Thursday, May 28, 2009

Architecture in Libya

AL-Saraya Al-Hamra is a museum that is know to be the symbol of the city of Tripoli. Its meaning is "red castle". (tourlibya)

This mosque was an Italian built cathedral that has now become a mosque.  The green flags represent the Libyan flag. The mosque lies in Algeria Square(typepad). 

This photo is the Gurgi Mosque.  It is in the city of Tripoli and named after Youssef Gurgi a Georgian captive.  It was built in 1833 and it is said to be the cities most attractive mosques. (typepad)

Works Cited

"Girlsoloinarabia". typepad. (accessed May 28, 2009).

"Tourlibya". (accessed May 28, 2009).

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Islamic Traditions in Libya

A wedding ceremony in Libya is officiated by an inam.  There is a contract of the marriage and it is signed in the brides home.  usually the bride must be completely body covered and her face needs to be veiled.  "the newlyweds eat their wedding dinner in seclusion from guests, and the bride is showered with rice and candy as she is escorted to her new home."(Cultural Traditions Libya)

Works Cited

"Cultural Traditions Libya". Wedding Channel. (Accessed May 27, 2009).

Monday, May 25, 2009

Islam in Libya

Libya has an outstanding number of 97 percent Islamic.  Libya is the same as most all other North Africa countries as far as when Islam arrived(Political Islam).  "Libya experienced an Islamist revival from the late 1970s onwards that expressed itself predominantly through the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan Muslimeen) as well as through a number of more militant groups"(Political Islam).

Works Cited

"Political Islam In LIbya". The Jamestown Foundation. (accessed May 25, 2009).

Thursday, May 21, 2009


In libya the religion is an overwhelming 97 Percent Islam.  It is a Sunni Muslim nation.  Although the majority is Sunni Muslims there are also Christian groups but these groups are mostly foreigners.  "Nearly all Libyans adhere to the Sunni branch of Islam, which provides both a spiritual guide for individuals and a keystone for government policy"(Country Studies).  Even Muslims that don't exactly believe in Islam still do what an Islam would do in terms of daily habits and the way they carry themselves. 

Works Cited

Country Studies. "Religion; Libya Table of Contents." (Accessed May 21, 2009).


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 3 Questions

                                                               LEPTIS MAGNA

A. Libya was in the region of Upper Egypt in 2000 B.C.

B. The language spoken in Libya is mainly Arabic, but some speak English and Italian.(Consultancy)

C. Leptis Magna is a feature in Libya!!!(World Info Zone)

Works Cited

Consultancy and Special Products-Africa. "Libya." (accessed May 20, 2009).

World Info Zone. "Libya Information." (accessed May 20, 2009). 


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


1. Libyan Women are Demure(Libyan Women)
2. Libyan Women are Prudish(Libyan Women)
3. Police Hassles will be a problem for Americans.

Works Cited:

Muslimah Media Watch. "Libyan Women: Demure and Prudish." May 19, 2009).


Monday, May 18, 2009


The geological features of Libya are the Mediterranean Coast and the Sahara Desert.  The Tibesti Massif is a mountain range that is about 2200 meters.